Alexandre Lindo, a French-born Jew, made a significant impact as a wealthy merchant in Jamaica during the late 18th century. His involvement in the transatlantic...
Ken Saro-Wiwa was a Nigerian writer, television producer, and environmental activist who became known for his outspoken criticism of the Nigerian government and the oil...
Queen Elizabeth I, one of the most iconic monarchs in English history, played a significant role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade during the 16th century....
Slave motherhood in the Caribbean has been a complex and often overlooked aspect of the region’s history. The experience of enslaved women who became mothers...
Obeah, also spelled as obia, obi, or obeahism, is a term used to describe a system of spiritual and magical practices originating from the Caribbean,...
European colonialism refers to the historical period during which European nations expanded their power and influence by establishing colonies in various parts of the world....
European indentured laborers were individuals who voluntarily entered into a contract to work for a specified period in exchange for passage to the New World,...