Barbara Rose Johns Powell was a pivotal figure in the American civil rights movement, known for her courageous leadership as a student activist. Born on...
Maulana Karenga, born Ronald McKinley Everett on July 14, 1941, in Parsonsburg, Maryland, is a prominent American activist, scholar, and author. He is widely recognized...
The African Blood Brotherhood (ABB) was a revolutionary organization founded in 1919 by Cyril Briggs, a West Indian journalist and activist. The ABB was established...
The abduction and subsequent murder of NAACP leader Elbert Williams in Brownsville, Tennessee, on June 20, 1940, stands as a tragic example of racial violence...
Charles McLaurin is a name synonymous with the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s. Born and raised in Mississippi, McLaurin experienced firsthand the...