Category : Civil Rights

Civil RightsHistory

Elbert Williams

joe bodego
The abduction and subsequent murder of NAACP leader Elbert Williams in Brownsville, Tennessee, on June 20, 1940, stands as a tragic example of racial violence...
Civil Rights

Dorothy Zellner

joe bodego
Dorothy Zellner is a name that holds significant weight in the history of the Civil Rights Movement. As one of the early organizers of the...
Civil Rights

Charles McLaurin

joe bodego
Charles McLaurin is a name synonymous with the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s. Born and raised in Mississippi, McLaurin experienced firsthand the...
Civil Rights

Frankye Adams-Johnson

joe bodego
Frankye Adams-Johnson’s involvement as a Civil Rights activist in the Jackson Movement was a pivotal part of her life, shaping her political consciousness and paving...
Civil Rights

Judy Richardson

joe bodego
Judy Richardson, a prominent figure in the Civil Rights Movement, was born on March 10, 1944. Her impactful journey began when she was one of...
Civil Rights

Gertrude Jackson

joe bodego
Gertrude Jackson and her husband, Earlis, were active advocates for their community in Marvell, Arkansas long before the arrival of SNCC. Their commitment to justice...