A Pioneer in Psychoanalytic Thinking and Social Change Dorothy Evans Holmes is a renowned figure in the field of psychoanalytic thinking, known for her groundbreaking...
Howard Lamar Fuller, a prominent figure in civil rights and education activism, was brought into this world on January 14, 1941, in the vibrant city...
Audrey Smedley, a trailblazing figure in the field of anthropology, holds the distinction of being one of the nation’s first African American women anthropologists. Born...
Timuel D. Black Jr. was a prominent figure in African American history, known for his significant contributions as an educator, civil rights activist, historian, and...
Richard Robert Wright Jr. was a prominent figure in American society, known for his work as a sociologist, social worker, and minister. Born on April...
In 1903, William Reynolds filed a lawsuit against the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, marking a significant moment in the history of education and...