The American Eugenicist Whose Legacy Inspired Hitler’s Genocide Madison Grant, a prominent wildlife conservationist and friend of Theodore Roosevelt, is known for his influential yet...
The field of neurosurgery in America has been significantly shaped by the groundbreaking contributions of Dr. Clarence Sumner Greene, who made history as the first...
James Samuel Risien Russell was a pioneering figure in the field of medicine, making significant contributions to the development of neurology in Britain. Born in...
Dr. Odeku is a trailblazing figure in the field of neurosurgery, particularly known for his pioneering work in Nigeria. Born in the United States, Dr....
Dr. Juliano Moreira, a prominent figure in the field of mental health, dedicated his life to advocating for the humane treatment of the mentally ill....
Dr. Dolores C. Shockley made significant contributions to the field of pharmacology and academia throughout her distinguished career. Born April 21, 1930, she blazed a...
Audrey Smedley, a trailblazing figure in the field of anthropology, holds the distinction of being one of the nation’s first African American women anthropologists. Born...