P.O. Box 1733,
Atlanta, Ga., August 8th, 1925
Dear Mr. Cox:
I sent you a telegram this morning, which I trust you have received. As stated therein, I have just completed reading the book “White America.” It is wonderful. From the Whiteman’s point of view, it is a masterpiece in history’, ethnology’ and general race literature. It should be in the hand of every intelligent white person, not only in America but Europe, South, and Central America, as also in the hand of even’ intelligent Negro. I do not and cannot agree with much of the historical data in reference to the black man.’ As a Negro I have opinions of my own, but I fully appreciate the fact that you have written from the Whiteman’s viewpoint, and in that, I heartily agree and am in full sympathy. If I were of your race I would have written with the same force and probably with prejudice.
You have been as fair as anyone could expect under the circumstances. You have been much more liberal than the average writer or author. History, as you know, (ancient) is largely doubtful and highly speculative. The points of vantage credited to the one race can be easily claimed by the other, yet that is not a matter of dispute between us. The fact is that the modem Negro is a lazy, good-for-nothing slumberer. This is my conviction arrived at by close and careful study and experience, and if something is not done for him he will die as other unfit races have.