Author : joe bodego


Herbert Alphonso Dixon

joe bodego
Herbert Alphonso Dixon was a Negro Baseball League (NBL) baseball outfielder. Nicknamed “Rap,” Dixon was born on September 15, 1902, in Kingston, Georgia to John...
Science - Technology

Dr. Gladys West

joe bodego
If you rely on your GPS for directions, you can thank a mathematician whose little-known contributions to the mathematical modeling of the Earth recently earned...
Science - Technology

Michelle McMurry-Heath

joe bodego
Michelle McMurry-Heath is the President and CEO of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO). A medical doctor and molecular immunologist by training, Dr. McMurry-Heath leads BIO as...
Civil Rights

Lillie May Carroll Jackson

joe bodego
Lillie May Carroll Jackson was a civil rights organizer in Baltimore and longtime leader of the city’s chapter of the National Association for the Advancement...
Civil RightsReligion

Prathia Hall Wynn

joe bodego
Prathia Hall Wynn was a womanist, theologian, ethicist, and civil rights activist who has been credited with being a key inspiration for Martin Luther King...

Madeline M. Turner

joe bodego
Madeline M. Turner is the inventor of Turner’s Fruit Press (the original blueprint/ design on which all modern juicers are based). The machine engineered by...
Civil Rights

Gardner Calvin Taylor

joe bodego
Gardner Taylor was a civil rights advocate, social change agent, prominent minister, and leader within the National Baptist Convention. Taylor became known as “the dean...