Category : Civil Rights

Civil RightsHistory

Laurie Pritchett

joe bodego
As police chief of Albany, Georgia, Laurie Pritchett gained national attention when he effectively thwarted the efforts of the Albany Movement in 1961–1962. Pritchett’s nonviolent...
Civil RightsEducation

Hamilton Holmes

joe bodego
Hamilton Holmes is best known for desegregating the University of Georgia (UGA) in Athens. One of the first two African American students admitted to UGA in 1961,...
Civil RightsEducation

Horace T. Ward

joe bodego
In 1950 Horace T. Ward became the first African American to challenge racially discriminatory practices at the University of Georgia (UGA). Although the all-white UGA...
Civil Rights

Donald Lee Hollowell

joe bodego
As one of a handful of Black lawyers practicing civil rights law in the 1950s and 1960s, Donald Hollowell was instrumental in the movement to...
Civil Rights

Percy Ellis Sutton

joe bodego
Percy Ellis Sutton was born the last child of 15 children to Samuel J. and Lillian V. Smith-Sutton. While supporting himself, he attended Prairie View...
Civil Rights

Briggs v. Elliott

joe bodego
Briggs v. Elliott was a pivotal court case in the United States that contributed to the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954,...