Charwe, in full Nehanda Charwe Nyakasikana, (born 1862?—died April 27, 1898), one of the major spiritual leaders of African resistance to white rule during the late 19th century in what is now Zimbabwe. She was considered to be a medium of Nehanda, a female Shona mhondoro (powerful and revered ancestral spirit).
Charwe was born among the Shona people, one of Zimbabwe’s major ethnic groups. She is believed to have become a Nehanda medium during the 1880s; she acquired the mhondoro’s name as a title and was subsequently known as Nehanda Charwe. Her influence was already quite widespread by the time British settlers, under the banner of the British South Africa Company (BSAC), first invaded Mashonaland (now in Zimbabwe) in 1890 and started confiscating the land and cattle of the Shona and other indigenous peoples who inhabited the area. Initially, in search of gold, the BSAC imposed requirements of forced labor and heavy taxation upon Mashonaland’s inhabitants, which spurred rebellion. The military campaign to drive out the British was known as the Chimurenga (“War of Liberation”) and started in March 1896 at the initiative of the Ndebele people, another ethnic group in the area. The Shona joined them in their efforts a few months later, in June.
A defining characteristic of the Chimurenga was its great reliance on African religion, with mhondoroplaying a critical role. Nehanda Charwe, along with the mediums of two other mhondoro—Mukwati in Matabeleland but especially Kagubi in western Mashonaland—found herself organizing and directing her people’s resistance to foreign assaults.
At first, the Shona and Ndebele experienced victories on the battlefield, but after running out of supplies, they were eventually defeated. Nehanda Charwe allowed herself to be taken into captivity to avoid further African bloodshed and deaths. Her trial opened in March 1898, and she was found guilty of having killed H.H. Pollard, a European commissioner who had become notorious for his cruelty. She was executed by hanging the next month. Unlike Kagubi (who was tried at the same time and also sentenced to death for killing a police officer), Nehanda Charwe refused to convert to Christianity. Before she was hanged, Nehanda Charwe announced to the British that her body would rise again to lead the second, and this time victorious, struggle against them. Stories of her resistance efforts became legendary, and she was an inspiration to later nationalist movements in what is now Zimbabwe.